Formerly known as Indiqu'eau, you will find below the press articles explaining the usefulness of our platform.
A rewarding meeting with CNRS
An enriching encounter with the CNRS, which led us to carry out our project. A platform that enables ecosystem services to be modeled, with the aim of developing indicators appropriate to the problems faced by a given territory, and to aid decision-making.

Toulouse Tech-transfer supports Hetwa
Toulouse Tech-transfer supports Hetwa in the launch of the Indiqu'eau platform for monitoring water quantity and quality in watersheds, based on an agro-hydrological model.
L'Isle-en-Dodon: A digital tool for water management
"Develop an interactive platform for local players, managers, inter-municipalities, syndicates, etc., to improve understanding of their environment in space and time".

As the water flows
Our aim is to take a systemic view of territorial processes, in order to combat pollution, eutrophication, erosion and flooding.