HETWA is at the forefront of technologies and expertise derived from public research. HETWA leverages research work originating from the Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment (INP, University of Toulouse III, CNRS). An official collaboration agreement for the exchange of knowledge has been established between the University of Toulouse III and HETWA.


Development of indicators based on satellite imagery

  • 30% 30%

Climate change study over Thailand

  • 30% 30%

Prototyping and testing

  • 50% 50%

Impact of development scenarios on water quality

  • 80% 80%

MEWISO innovation maturing with Toulouse Tech Transfer

  • 100% 100%

Support for R&D projects on water and the nitrogen cycle

  • 100% 100%

Improving water resource models

  • 100% 100%

Winner and Support

Miss Mandarine 2023 - Support by CNES - October 2023

Integration of the Aqua Valley Cluster - A federating network for water-related industries - March 2023

Young University Company- HETWA has a agreement with the University of Toulouse III - October 2022

Toulouse Metropole Incubator Network - Support and Office Integration - September 2022

Integration of Catalyseur Université Toulouse III - University Incubator - April 2022

iPhD - Winner of the 2021 Innovation Competition of the Year

DOC DOCCITANIE - Doc'Occitanie support program to promote business of a PhD work - January 2021


Satisfied Clients

Projects in progres